It’s hard to overestimate the value of having a priest design a website for another priest. Guys who’ve been to seminary and in ministry tend to speak the same language and have a common clerical culture. That works to our benefit here.
My name is Fr. Thomas, and I wish to serve your priesthood with mine.
As a priest, I believe in the power of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness to evangelize hearts, and it seems to me that website creation is the modern equivalent to creating virtual stained glass windows!
My unique credentials for this work are the following:
- Roman Catholic priest, ordained more than 35 years. Your brother.
- A dozen years in parish work (including four years as a pastor) and a decade as a Catholic missionary.
- Currently a full-time writer for various Catholic apostolates and web designer for Catholic ministries (see portfolio).
- Webmaster for the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, Catholic Action for Faith and Family, as well as most of the ministries shown on the portfolio.
- My own websites and weekly email newsletter.
I will go the extra mile for your web project because I understand and believe deeply in your priestly mission for saving souls. It is my mission also.
My Mission
My mission is to help Roman Catholic clergy to evangelize through the modern technological wonder of web communications.
Since I only acquired this skill in my 60s, I don’t consider myself a top-of-the-line web designer. If I were, you’d pay me a lot more for my services!
I am simply a servant of the mission of saving souls with a skill set that applies to the online needs of about 95% of Catholic parishes and priests. I will always be honest with you if I run up against a technical limitation, but I will also produce the best product possible to serve your mission.
My Services
I can design three types of websites for priests:
1/ Parish websites (small to medium parishes only)
2/ Personal and ministerial websites or blogs.
3/ Re-design of older websites.
I am looking forward to working with you for the good of the Church and the sake of souls.
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